"In Bloom" by Rebecca Cristante
photos @rebeccacristante 2021. "thereismorepavementthanwildernesseastofthemississippi" available signed from the author here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/777837251/poetry-there-is-more-pavement-than?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1
About me
Welcome to "Coffee and Creek"
I am a painter/poet/photographer/pseudo scientist with a passion for environmental history and a curiosity for the places that shape us and how we shape them.
Best wishes,
-Rebecca Cristante
Scientists' March on Washington: What is the Scientists' March on Washington
Scientists' March on Washington: What is the Scientists' March on Washington: Welcome! We want to thank you all for your incredible outpouring of support for this march. We are working to schedule a March for Scienc...